Robotically Constructed

Revolutionizing Building Techniques for Ultimate Strength and Durability

Robotic Precision for Superior Building Strength

At BW GLOBAL, we have harnessed the power of robotics to create structures that surpass industry standards in terms of precision, ease of build, and proven strength.


Our cutting-edge 7-axis robotic technology enables us to manufacture structures with unparalleled accuracy. With robots capable of manipulating themselves through seven axes, fabrication times are significantly reduced, resulting in higher-quality products that can be shipped faster. Our robots consistently maintain a tolerance of 3/1000ths of an inch, ensuring strict repeatability and minimizing errors.

As the largest 7-axis plasma cutting cells in North America, we utilize only CSA W47.1 certified robots and operators to guarantee exceptional results. By leveraging our in-house robotics capabilities, we can produce structures faster, ensuring that you receive your projects on schedule.

Ease of Build

Our robots play a crucial role in simplifying the building process, making assembly easier and more accurate. Our structures can be assembled with minimal tools, such as a wrench and an impact driver, reducing construction time and errors. This streamlined approach also enables us to ship our products globally faster.

Proven Strength

The incorporation of robotics in our manufacturing process has led to numerous advantages, including the creation of higher-quality, stronger final products that can withstand even the most challenging weather conditions or natural forces.

With robotic construction, we have achieved greater capabilities, producing structures that are not only larger and more complex but also stronger and more durable. At BW GLOBAL, we are committed to pushing the boundaries of what is possible through innovative robotics technology, delivering exceptional results that meet and exceed your expectations.

Summary of Key Benefits

Our greenhouses are robotically constructed using precision manufacturing and 7-axis robots to:

  • Ensure accurate manufacturing and reduced fabrication times.

  • Facilitate easy assembly with minimal tools required.

  • Produce higher-quality, stronger final products that withstand any weather condition.

Through robotic construction, we have emerged as a leader in the industry, boasting bigger, better, and more robust structures. Our commitment to innovation and precision has established BW GLOBAL as the go-to choice for clients seeking top-quality structures that meet the highest standards of excellence.